I recently made this leaving card for my manager at the BM – he had been there 34 years so had a special send off. I made a pamphlet binding (thanks for the tips and materials Mum) and hand lettered the front cover, directly on to the cloth. With an indestructible and rather heady-smelling gold pen. The ‘Alan Breck’ illustration was in pencil originally, scanned and digitally coloured, and then printed by trusty Photobox in a matt finish. I wanted it to look like a reproduction, something slightly boy’s own and old fashioned, and I’m pretty happy with it. Glad I took the time to recess the illustration by adding a piece of card with the oval cut out, to the front board. I wish I had glued the cloth better as I had a few bubbles, but I don’t think it’s too bad for some late night guerilla bookbinding: