I recently received my limited edition copy of The Death Cap! It is the second in the series of Professor Stubbs detective novels by R T Campbell, re-published by Lomax Press. The first story selected, Take Thee A Sharp Knife, was published in 2011, and I have been lucky enough to be asked to illustrate both dustjackets. A very exciting project for me.
The design of TDC follows that set out with the first book, with a silhouette of the detective-in-question puffing away on his pipe at the crime scene – rather unhelpfully, but then everyone drinks and smokes constantly in the story anyway – and then appearing throughout the book at the end of each section:
I created a ‘death cap mushroom’ silhouette vector for the chapter endings too – last time this was a commando knife. Nasty stuff! I think the combination of these elements give a lovely continuity to the series. The typesetting was again done by Omnis Partners, and gives an elegance and sharpness.
Excuse the ropey photograph but here is the jacket in full, next to the book itself in its nice black binding:
My review of the book and its production are now on the Shots website:-
” another superb cover illustration from Rebecca Green”
Hi L J
Thanks so much for alerting me to this, I really enjoyed your review. And thank you for your very kind comments on my illustration, it is much appreciated! They are brilliant stories of which I had no knowledge beforehand, but I can see they have a truly warm reception waiting on their arrival.
All best